Butterflies in Mind -- Zinnia
Susan C. Dunlap
A collection of 50 images as if seen from a butterfly’s point of view. Includes the names of native Zinnia species and the most complete list of US butterflies that will feed on Zinnia blossoms.
Butterflies in Mind -- Asclepias
Susan C. Dunlap
“Milkweed is the single most important plant for Monarch butterflies. This lavishly illustrated book contains details about the structure and cultivation of native Milkweeds, information about the 139 nectar-feeding butterflies they...
Butterflies in Mind -- Monarch
Susan C. Dunlap
This abundantly illustrated volume enables you to select from a complete list of well described perennial nectar plants that are known to attract & feed Monarch butterflies. Over 40 genera are described that are suitable to be grown...
Butterflies in Mind -- Perennials
Susan C. Dunlap
Butterflies in Mind - Perennials. This book is a definitive guide to perennial nectar plants preferred by US butterflies. It empowers you to feed, attract, support (and help identify) nectar-feeding butterflies that reside in the US....

Trifolium repens
(sold as Atropurpureum)

Family: Leguminosae


Native to: Europe, Naturalized In United States

Sentiments: fertility and domestic virtue, think of me


Type: perennial

Forms: clumping, dense form, spreading

Max height: 1 foot

Max width: 6.6 feet


pink, secondary color present, white/off white


green, secondary color present

new growth distinct


Attracts wildlife: adult butterfly, specific butterfly species

Exposure: sun

Landscape uses: container, flower fragrant, ground cover

Propagates by: seed

flowers in fall

flowers in spring

flowers in summer

Soil type: wide range

USDA Zones: zone 4 -30 f, zone 5 to -20 f, zone 6 to -10 f, zone 7 to 0 f, zone 8 to +10 f, zone 9 to +20 f

Temp. range: -30 to +30 °F

Water: regular

Butterflies that feed on this plant

Achalarus lyciades

Agriades glandon

Ancyloxypha numitor

Anthocharis cethura

Ascia monuste

Atalopedes campestris

Atrytone deleware

Atrytonopsis hianna

Autochton cellus

Battus philenor

Boloria epithore

Brephidium isophthalma

Burnsius albezens

Burnsius communis

Calycopis cecrops

Celastrina ladon subsp. echo

Celastrina serotina

Cercyonis pegala

Chlosyne gabbii

Chlosyne harrisii

Chlosyne nycteis

Coenonympha tullia

Colias eurytheme

Colias occidentalis

Colias philodice

Copaeodes minima

Cupido comyntas

Cyaniris neglecta

Danaus plexippus

Echinargus isola

Epargyreus clarus

Eresia aveyrona subsp. mylitta

Erynnis baptisiae

Erynnis horatius

Erynnis icelus

Erynnis juvenalis

Erynnis propertius

Euptoieta claudia

Fixsenia favonius

Glaucopsyche lygdamus

Hemiargus ceraunus

Hesperia leonardus

Hylephila phyleus

Icaricia icarioides

Lampides boeticus

Leptotes cassius

Leptotes marina

Lethe eurydice subsp. appalachia

Lon hobomok

Lon zabulon

Lycaeides melissa

Lycaena hyllus

Lycaena phlaeas

Mastor aenus

Mastor aesculapius

Mastor carolina

Mastor cassus

Mastor celia

Mastor celia subsp. belli

Mastor hegon

Mastor vialis

Mitoura hesseli

Noctuana stator

Ochlodes sylvanoides

Papilio canadensis

Papilio glaucus

Phoebis sennae

Pholisora catullus

Phyciodes tharos

Pieris rapae

Plebejus acmon

Plebejus lupini

Plebejus saepiolus

Poanes massasoit

Polites coras

Polites mystic

Pompeius verna

Pontia protodice

Protographium marcellus

Pyrgus oileus

Pyrisitia lisa

Satyrium behrii

Satyrium calanus

Speyeria aphrodite

Speyeria cybele

Thorybes pylades

Zerene eurydice

There are over 300 species of CLOVER, a member of the Leguminosae family. It prefers regular watering. Both Trifolium repens and T. rubens are short-lived cultivated perennials that appeal to a broad range of butterflies. Trifolium pratense, RED CLOVER, in particular attracts insects and is a widely used fodder plant – it is beneficial as a crop, adds nutrients to the soil, and is widely used as green compost. The plant thrives in Zones 4 9, grows to a foot tall, and flowers in spring, summer, and fall. It can be grown in container.

The leaves of 'Atropurpureum' are darker than the parent plant and have a purple tint.

Trifolium repens attracts
Lycaena phlaeas, American Copper
Papilio polyxenes, Black Swallowtail
Pholisora catullus, Common Sootywing
Pieris rapae, Cabbage White
Polites themistocles, Tawny-edged Skipper
Pyrgus communis, Common Checkered-Skipper
Speyeria cybele, Great Spangled Fritillary
Staphylus hayhurstii, Hayhurst's Scallopwing
Vanessa atalanta, Red Admiral
Vanessa cardui, Painted Lady

Container plants that attract adult butterflies - perennial

This plant can be grown in a container and will attract and feed adult butterflies. These plant can be found in every height range – from tiny to large – from less than a foot high to over 10 feet tall.

Our database of nectar plants for all US butterflies contains over 10,000 entries. The top five nectar plants -- Cirsium, Lantana, Asclepias, Salvia, and Verbena -- will appeal to 90% of all US butterflies. Pick from these if you want to provide nectar for your local butterflies.

Once you start with these, you can add from another 630 genera in 110 plant families to attract more insects to your garden.

By far the most import butterfly nectar plant family is Asteraceae. If you grow plants in from this family, butterflies will find your garden.